Travel, Hospitality, Tourism – Manage your Financial Distress

4 November 2021

Travel, Hospitality, Tourism – Manage your Financial Distress


The Engaged Tourism initiative was created to respond to the widespread struggle seen in the travel, tourism and hospitality sector.


We believe that in order to place the South African Tourism sector in a position that will allow it to “build back better” we will require numerous interventions through a joint effort that brings together Financiers, Businesses, and Rescue Specialists. To do this end the initiative aims to achieve the following:

Restore Customer Trust

Creating a trust account to hold customer deposits.

Turnaround & Business Rescue

Negotiation with banks, suppliers, and deposit holders.


Providing all statutory and services in respect to business rescue and managed turnaround at an affordable rate.

The Creation of a network that can optimise and generate business for each member by:

Asset Leveraging

Leveraging the assets of the parties involved via economically viable agreements between the parties involved.

Market Leveraging

Cross leveraging the various markets held by all parties.

Updating T's & C's

Updating the T’s & C’s for the travel agencies to better protect themselves and the customers.

See how EngagedBT can have a Massive impact on your business

Whether you need an Independent Review, Rescue Plan, Restructuring or Turnaround Plan, we can assist you.