Our Track Record
February 2024
Business Rescue – Ansarada DealMakers Annual Awards 2023
In collaboration with Chrisyd Advisory Services and ENS Attorneys, Engaged received the Ansarada DealMakers award for Business Rescue Transaction of the Year 2023. Cast Products South Africa, the largest foundry group in SA, 85% owned by the IDC unbundled from Scaw Metals in 2018 and lost approximately R1,7 billion in 4 years. It was placed in voluntary business rescue with Engaged and Chrisyd Advisory Services in January 2022. Johan du Toit and Refilwe Ndlovu were appointed joint business rescue practitioners, supported by a multi-disciplinary team from Engaged. An R3bn balance sheet restructure was successfully undertaken, preserving jobs as well as retaining manufacturing capacity in SA.
July 2023
Business Rescue & Restructuring – Agriculture Group of Companies comprising 13 Citrus Farms
The group of farms was placed in business rescue in October 2021. The companies faced cash flow pressure, over-leveraged balance sheets, and were unable to meet their debt repayments. An extensive reconstruction of the financial records was undertaken. The business rescue plan was approved by creditors in December 2021. Certain non-core assets were disposed of during 2022 to generate cash for debt repayment and to continue farming activities. The imposition of new restrictions on the import of SA citrus by the European Union in July 2022 posed challenges. Rapidly increasing input costs for farmers resulted in a substantial decline in profitability and a sharp decrease in the realisable value of the farms. The sales in July 2023 resulted in the settlement of both secured and post-commencement creditors at 100c/Rand.
February 2023
Independent Business Review – Private Hospital Group
During 2023, Engaged conducted a very detailed independent analysis of the performance of a private hospital group operating across South Africa. The analysis culminated in a comprehensive report providing stakeholders with an unparalleled level of detail and insight into the historical performance of the group, broken down on a hospital-by-hospital basis. This level of information enabled stakeholders to make decisions with a depth of understanding previously unattainable.
The exercise included a thorough analysis of the group’s balance sheet and cash flow, as well as insights into the various debt instruments and facilities. Additionally, the report offered an opinion on the proposed debt and/or equity-raising initiatives.
January 2022
Business Rescue & Turnaround – Cast Products South Africa
Appointed as joint business rescue practitioners in January 2022, Johan du Toit and Refilwe Ndlovu of Chrisyd Advisory Services supported by a multi-disciplinary Engaged team, undertook the business rescue and turnaround of Cast Products South Africa, the largest foundry group in South Africa. Unbundled from Scaw Metals in 2018 and owned by the IDC, Cast Products incurred losses of approximately R1,7 billion over 4 years. It was placed in business rescue under the supervision of Engaged and Chrisyd Advisory Services. Through a highly operational and production-focused turnaround, the company’s financial performance improved from an average monthly loss of R40 million to achieving breakeven production and sales levels in November 2022.
May 2021
Business Rescue & Turnaround – SAFE Farm Ventures
Appointed to assist with the independent restructuring and turnaround of SAFE Farm Ventures, a prominent fruit farming and exporting enterprise in the Western Cape with creditors in excess of R400m. An unexpected liquidation application was served by a minor creditor shortly after commencement, which ultimately required a business rescue court application to be launched on an urgent basis. The draft business rescue plan was compiled in 3 days for it to form part of the court application, in which the employees were the applicant. The court ruled in favour of the applicant and the company was placed in business rescue under our control (Warren Castle and Liam Royce). It is understood that this is the first matter in which the major lender agreed to fund the cost of the legal action to place a company in business rescue. Following a trade-out of the company, a decision was taken to sell the assets of the business. All but one sale had been finalised as at the end of 2024. At present it is expected that secured creditors will receive approximately 70 cents in the rand. Preferred creditors are expected to receive 90 cents in the rand and PCF creditors should receive 70 – 100 cents in the rand.
February 2021
Business Rescue – CC Cranes Group of Companies
Johan du Toit and Ian Fleming were appointed joint business rescue practitioners of CC Cranes group of companies, a crane hiring business instrumental in the construction of large wind farms. Investec was the major creditor in the matter, with total creditors amounting to approximately R450 million. Creditors received 100c/Rand and the company was handed back to the shareholders with substantial asset value and no debt.
September 2020
Panel Appointment
Engaged was appointed to the Turnaround and Value Add Panel of the Public Investment Corporation (PIC).
July 2020
Business Rescue – Consolidated Steel Industries (Pty) Ltd.
Sello Mkhondo and Ian Fleming were appointed as business rescue practitioners of Consolidated Steel Industries (Pty) Ltd (CSI). With creditors in excess of R1 billion and pre Covid-19 turnover of circa R2,6 billion, the company was a leading national role player in industrial roofing, stainless steel, and aluminium distribution. Supported by Deloitte Restructuring and Deloitte Capital in the business rescue, the business rescue plan was approved on 27 August 2020, with 98% of creditors voting in favour of the plan, just 6 weeks after the company went into business rescue. Following ongoing consultation with key creditors and employee representatives, the implementation of the business rescue plan had already commenced to a large extent by the time it was approved and adopted. A deal for the sale of the majority of Stalcor’s assets, one of the two primary CSI divisions, was concluded in October 2020, just two months after the approval of the business rescue plan. The sale of the Stalcor assets enabled the BRPs to fund the losses incurred by the other primary division between October 2020 and January 2021 as a result of national steel supply shortages. The other primary division, Global Roofing Solutions, was acquired by Rockwood Private Equity effective 1 July 2021, following a return to consistent profitability facilitated by the business rescue team and management in February 2021.
August 2019
Curatorship – Medical Aid Scheme
Appointed as curator (Ian Fleming assisted by Ian Fuller) of a medical aid scheme with approximately 28,000 members and beneficiaries. By October 2021 (after 20 months under curatorship) the solvency ratio of the scheme had improved from 6,6% at commencement of curatorship, to 30%. Achievement of the mandatory solvency ratio of 25% (our main KPI) was achieved well ahead of the target envisaged by the turnaround plan. At the AGM in June 2021 new trustees were appointed, upon which the curatorship ended.
March 2019
Business Rescue – Property Development Company
Appointed as joint rescue practitioners (Ian Fleming and Peter Gordon) to undertake the business rescue of a property development company with assets in excess of R250 million, in which a JSE-listed REIT acquired the claims of the major creditor. As of June 2021, the majority of the assets were sold, and the business rescue was completed in line with the approved business rescue plan with secured creditors receiving 100c/Rand.
April 2019
Business Rescue – Telecommunication & Fibre Company
Appointed as the joint business rescue practitioners (Ian Fleming and Peter Gordon) of a telecommunication and fibre company with creditor exposures in excess of R130 million. The business rescue plan was approved in June 2019 with secured creditors expected to get 100c/Rand, and unsecured creditors between 24c and 34c/Rand. The business rescue plan envisaged a managed wind-down of the company, and the majority of assets were sold in accordance with the requirements of the plan within eight months of adoption thereof, with creditors’ dividend pay-outs having commenced as envisaged by the plan. The final tranche of assets was sold in April 2020 and all classes of creditors were paid the dividend envisaged by the business rescue plan.
August 2018
Turnaround – Manufacturing Company
Commenced informal turnaround assistance to a manufacturing company with a turnover of approximately R120 million. With a management team that weathered a storm of adversity since being placed in control, the role of Engaged was to provide strategic operational insight and assistance and exercise a duty of care in favour of the key creditor. The key creditor was guided by Engaged through advice and insight into the status quo and the way forward, and by April 2020 Engaged concluded its mandate with the company has turned the corner towards sustainable profitability.
September 2018
Business Rescue – Crushing & Screening Company
Commenced business rescue of a Mpumalanga-based crushing and screening company operating in the coal mining industry, with Nedbank as the major creditor. The business rescue plan was approved by creditors in November 2018. With the business rescue perceived by many as a no-hoper at commencement, Nedbank ultimately received 100c/Rand.
August 2018
Purchase of Claims – Gold Mine
EBT purchased the claims of creditors in a gold mining company liquidation. EBT then obtained a court order which suspended the liquidation, and the company was placed into business rescue (under an independent practitioner). EBT subsequently applied for a declarator in the Pretoria High Court for the liquidation to be set aside (as opposed to “suspended”), and for the mining right to be declared valid. The business rescue plan was approved in late 2020, and the mining right was successfully executed in early 2021.
April 2018
Business Rescue – Game relocation business near Newcastle, KZN
Commenced business rescue of a game relocation business near Newcastle, KZN. The business rescue plan was approved in July 2018. This matter was the first business rescue for EBT where First National Bank was the major creditor. Secured creditors have already been settled to a large extent via sales of non-core assets, and the company appears to be on track towards solvency and profitability.
February 2018
Business Rescue – Retail Franchise
Commenced business rescue of a retail franchise in Newcastle, KZN. Business Rescue plan was approved in April 2018. The success of the business rescue plan allowed the secured creditors to recover a large portion of their exposure to the group of companies, which in turn resulted in the secured creditor advancing additional PCF to assist with the turnaround of the franchise. Substantial implementation was filed in October 2019 after the largest creditor had been repaid in excess of 70% of its debt.
April 2017
Recovery – Johannesburg security company
Recovery of approximately R22m (for ABSA) from a Johannesburg security company. Managed the wind-down of the debtor book (under ABSA debtor finance facility) and packaged/marketed the company’s contracts for sale. Recovered 100% of ABSA’s exposure.
January 2017
Business Rescue – Coal Mining
Turnaround & partial wind-down of a Mpumalanga/KZN based coal and anthracite mining operation consisting of 10 companies. Bank exposure approximately R18 million. The companies were placed in business rescue under Ian Fleming’s supervision in May 2017. The business rescue started out as a managed wind down (sale of assets) in which the bank was likely to receive 100c in the Rand. In the face of lower-than-expected values being realised on auction for key properties sold as part of the plan, the scope of the rescue had to be extended to take control of an associated group of companies via a complex process of litigation, in order to set up a mining operation and realise the assets held by those companies. Engaged provided the majority of the litigation- and other funding that the rescue required in order to succeed. After an extensive prolonging of this matter due to litigation, the bank was paid 100c/Rand in December 2022 and the group of companies was handed back to the shareholder.