
Creditor Forms

Should you need to submit a claim for a company that is currently in business rescue, kindly download/print and complete the below claim forms.

Pre- Business Rescue Debt

This claim form should be completed by creditors who are owed money by a company/corporation prior to the business being placed into business rescue.

After completing the claim form, please send it to creditorclaims@engagedbt.co.za.
The subject line when sending the claim form should include the company name you are claiming from as well as your company name or personal details if you are claiming on behalf of an individual, i.e. Company ABC (Pty) Ltd Claim Form// Creditor CDF (Pty) Ltd
Corporation ABC CC Claim Form // Creditor CDF CC

Post–Business Rescue Debt

This claim form should be completed by creditors who are owed money by a company/ corporation after said business was placed into business rescue.

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