Salary issues leave a bad taste in the mouths of distressed business owners When a company becomes...

Firms cling to cash amid high policy uncertainty
Firms cling to cash amid high policy uncertainty Holding on to funds is not an investor strike but rather a...
SA the only G20 country that will not recover to pre-pandemic levels by 2022 – forecast
SA is the only G20 country that will not recover to pre-pandemic levels by 2022 - the forecast. The South...
What happens to a surety obligation when the principal debtor is in business rescue?
What happens to a surety obligation when the principal debtor is in business rescue? For many years, there...
The abuse of business rescue: Exploitation of the Chapter 6 lifeboat
The abuse of business rescue: Exploitation of the Chapter 6 lifeboat While many applications for business...
How To Build A Business With The End In Mind
Hard Things About A Hard Thing: Some things in a business turnaround will work, others will not. No plan is perfect....
Flying solo: SAA will have to stand on its own after Treasury ushers in a new era
Flying solo: SAA will have to stand on its own after Treasury ushers in a new era Weaning SAA off the fiscus...
Talks look promising for Ster-Kinekor’s business rescue plan, says practitioner
Talks look promising for Ster-Kinekor's business rescue plan, says practitioner Discussions on Ster-Kinekor's...
Grey area? Some clarity on joinder of creditors
Grey area? Some clarity on the joinder of creditors If a party wants to litigate against a company in...
It’s not a black swan, it’s blinkered planning
It’s not a black swan, it’s blinkered planning In the space of the past 18 months, two mass-scale events have...
Beware the consequences of liquidation
Beware the consequences of liquidation In the 22nd edition of its Business Rescue, Restructuring and...
Business rescue basics and deciding if it is viable
Business rescue basics and deciding if it is viable Business Rescue Basics. No business, whether large or...
Government plays dice with brittle restaurants
Government plays dice with brittle restaurants The Restaurant Association of SA says of the 23 400...
Business rescue the solution, not the problem, as more businesses face difficulties
Business rescue the solution, not the problem, as more businesses face difficulties Law firm Cliffe Dekker...
EXPLAINER What happens to employees during business rescue?
EXPLAINER What happens to employees during the business rescue? What happens to employees when their employer...