About our Company

About  EngagedBT

Engaged Business Turnaround

Engaged Business Turnaround was established as a multi-disciplinary turnaround and restructuring firm providing stakeholders with the most favourable possible outcome for their exposures under the circumstances.  EngagedBT has completed over 150 business rescues and turnarounds across a multitude of industries in the 9 years since its incorporation, and is perceived as an industry leader in the operational turnaround of mid-market sized companies, extensively utilising the legal framework of Business Rescue.  EngagedBT has a reputation for excellence in the execution of turnaround mandates for companies with R100m – R1 billion creditor exposures.  EngagedBT is particularly well known for its ability to implement its turnaround plans with hands-on operational expertise, and for “doing Business Rescue the way it was meant to be done”, in the balanced best interest of all stakeholders.

The Engaged Difference

Large multi-disciplinary turnaround team.

Strong track record in mid-market turnarounds.

Experience across diverse entities and industries.

Extensive network for trusted specialist skills and industry expertise.

Understanding the uniqueness of each industry’s challenges.

Collaborative, hands-on operational approach.

Ability to optimise resources.

Value proposition centred around optimisation of stakeholder outcomes.

What we stand for


To be the most trusted and sought-after mid-market Turnaround, Restructuring and Business Rescue practice in Southern Africa.  This entails being the firm of first choice to enable stakeholders of distressed businesses to realise the most favourable possible outcomes from their exposures, in a balanced and responsible manner.


Through multi-disciplinary effectiveness and integrity in execution, to give every qualifying distressed business and its stakeholders the most favourable possible outcome under the circumstances.





